Thursday, May 30, 2013

Troubled/Disturbed Teen

After interacting with Holden Caulfield, i would place Holden in the troubled/disturbed teen category. A troubled teen is a teen that has signs of distress and anxiety. A disturbed teen is a teen that shows emotional and mental problems and has a normal pattern of it. I would place him in these two categories because he shows attributes of being very troubled and being very disturbed. The fact that he smokes and drinks and has a rough past, shows how he is a troubled teen. Hiring a prostitute and being a chronic liar shows how he is a mildly distured teen. i definitely do not think that Holden Caulfield is a psychotic teen because Holden does not show any "psychotic" behaviors. this is why i put him in the category that i did. Holden Caulfield also has this hat that he wears a lot when he seeks comfort. this shows that he may have a bad past and that is definitely a troubled teen behavior. they often seek comfort in tangible things and always keep them near for whenever they need it. Holden explained how sometimes he has wanted to just commit suicide and that is definitely a sign of a disturbed teen as well beause no typical or troubled teen says that sometimes they just want to commit suicide out of nowhere. This is why i think Holden Caulfield has troubled and disturbed teen attributes and this is why i put him in the category that i did.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The Discharge of Holden Caulfield

We have come to an end to Holden Caulfield's psychoanalysis treatment. Hearing and understanding his past situations throughout his life has made it easier for me to give him a full diagnosis. Holden Caulfield shows some serious depression issues because of his past experiences but i don't believe that this will effect him socially once he gets on some sort of medication.
I don't believe this will be an issue either if Holden includes his little sister Phoebe into his everyday life (by this i mean living with his parents and doing well in school). My patient Holden Caulfield does have many issues but i do think it would be better for him to be involved with things more socially. So, with all this said, i do think it would be beneficial  for Caulfield to be discharged from this hospital.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

His Motivations

After talking about the things that have brought him down, we also talked about his motivation to keep on going. We talked about little things and such but the thing that he kept talking about was his little sister Phoebe. You can tell that he loves his sister very much. Holden said "I started to think how old Phoebe would feel if i got pneumonia and died.....she'd feel pretty bad if something like that happened. she likes me finally what i figured id do, i figured id better sneak home and see her." This shows that Holden really cares about Phoebe. Throughout talking to my patient, the only other motivation he seeks is through his little brother Allie. His brother Allie died a while back. Other than these two people, nothing else really motivates him, so it is important to keep his sister Phoebe in his life or else he will have nothing to keep him going.

The Mitt Just Reflects The Scars

My patient Holden Caulfield has told me quite a bit about his past. His past mistakes and situations do show in his present life. One major conflict in his past that seeps through to his present days is the death of his brother Allie. When Holdens brother died, it really affected him. Holden stated "...when i get very depressed, i keep saying to him 'okay. go home and get your bike and meet me in front of Bobby's house. Hurry up.'"

Caulfield needs to get his past resolved before we can work on his present because that seems to be the only thing dragging him down.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Negatives in Holdens Life


Holden Caulfield has had a lot of negative influences and such throughout his life with many people that has has met. Some negative influences that were in his life were Stradlater and Ackley. These are the boys that lived in and near his room when he went to Pencey. They were negative influences in his life because they always brought a lot of anger. Especially Stradlater, althoough he never mentioned it, he was mad at him becasue Stradlater was going on a date with Jane Gallagher and Holden as you could tell was jealous.
Many of these negative influences have led to Holden smoking. A lot of these have also pushed him into seeking comfort in his red hunting hat. A big negative in his life was when his brother Allie died. He doesnt stress it much but when he talks about it he get very sad.

Positives in Holdens Life

Holden Caulfield has very few positive relationships in his life. the main positive relationships he has with people are the ones that he most recently has met or people who have helped him throughout his life. Some examples of positive relationships in his life are Jane Gallagher, Mrs. Morrow, and his brother. I'd have to say that there are a lot less positive influences in his life then negative. 

Although Holden does not have many positive influences in his life, he takes these influences and takes them to full advantage most of th time. but he does take negative in more than positive.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Moderate Depession

Holden's emotional state is very strange. He portrays himslef to be this guy who does not care at all. A guy who is pretty normal to say the least. Holden shows some moderate levels of depression when he is by himself. He doesnt seek happiness hanging out with the people at his school either.

When holden says "i just dont want to hang around anymore. it made me too sad and lonesome." it shows that eve when he is around people he feels lonely. This is a sign of moderate depression and should be addressed as soon as possible.

Monday, May 6, 2013

A Seek For Comfort

Holden Caulfield, a new patient of mine, is very latent. my first initial thought of him when i first met him was that he was a casual, taken-care-of boy. There are things that need further analysis throughout his appearance though.
Holden always wears this red hunting hat that he supposedly got from New York. I believe that he seeks comfort when he wears this hat. This hat to him could calm him down from things that he may be feeling that he wants to forget about. Some behavioral issues worry me that he may have a moderate levels of anxiety, frustration, and insecurities.