Thursday, May 30, 2013

Troubled/Disturbed Teen

After interacting with Holden Caulfield, i would place Holden in the troubled/disturbed teen category. A troubled teen is a teen that has signs of distress and anxiety. A disturbed teen is a teen that shows emotional and mental problems and has a normal pattern of it. I would place him in these two categories because he shows attributes of being very troubled and being very disturbed. The fact that he smokes and drinks and has a rough past, shows how he is a troubled teen. Hiring a prostitute and being a chronic liar shows how he is a mildly distured teen. i definitely do not think that Holden Caulfield is a psychotic teen because Holden does not show any "psychotic" behaviors. this is why i put him in the category that i did. Holden Caulfield also has this hat that he wears a lot when he seeks comfort. this shows that he may have a bad past and that is definitely a troubled teen behavior. they often seek comfort in tangible things and always keep them near for whenever they need it. Holden explained how sometimes he has wanted to just commit suicide and that is definitely a sign of a disturbed teen as well beause no typical or troubled teen says that sometimes they just want to commit suicide out of nowhere. This is why i think Holden Caulfield has troubled and disturbed teen attributes and this is why i put him in the category that i did.

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